Tuesday 1 July 2014

My Favorite Celebration

Today talk about "My favourite celebration".  Doll's festival! March 3 is the Doll's Festival in Japan. It is a day to pray for the grow of the girl. On that day, display a doll in the house and display to peach blossom. We eat Chirashi-sushi, Hina-arare, and Hishi-mochi. It is very delicious.


← Doll





There is the song of the Doll's festival. I think that most Japanese people have heard it.
This day is not holiday, but it is a traditional day by Japan. A doll and food looks is cute! I like this day because I can eat delicious food :)

Thank you for reading!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Mana!! How are you? I know this celebration because I am Japanese girl!! I also like this celebration!! Then we can eat cake, and HINAARARE! These are very delicious so I love them! but these days, I could not eat cake, my mother don't buy... I wonder why... Thank you!

  3. Hi Mana! I have big Hina-doll but I don't display it every year:(
    I think my Hina-doll is angry!!

  4. Hi Mana! I like HINAMATURI, too. I think it's one of the most important hoilday for girls! We can eat many delicious food and see beautiful doll. :) It's so Japan!lol Do you have doll of Japanese? I like CHIRASHIZUSI. What foods do you like? Do you know ong of this celebrasion?
