Sunday 13 July 2014



July 11, Friday.
I watched FROZEN in Queen's Park Stadium with Nanami and Nanami's roommate. I watched it twice in Japan. I like this movie. I love this movie, and I love Disney:) There were many children on that day, because this movie is Disney animation. Canada and Japan were different atmosphere, but I like it. I am going to watch on next Friday. Of course, not FROZEN, it is a different movie. Title is "Ferrris Bueller's Day Off".

July 12, Saturday.
July 7 was my host brother's birthday!!! He became 7 years old! Very cute!!! We did a birthday party. Many people came my house. I don't doing it in Japan, so I thought he is envious. He got a lot of Lego by a present. He looks very happy:) It was fun birthday party!    

 At the same time, I became sad to watch him who there was with parents and grandmother and grand father. I want to meet a family. However, I have many friends!! Every day is fun because there is friend and pleases me everyday!! I want to thank the friend, there is with me every day!!! Thank you, I love my friends.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Mana!
    You have a good weekend,right?
    I have a question,Queen's Park every weekend have moive?

  3. Hi Mana! How are you? We had a good weekend,right? I'm looking forward this Friday too :) We should take popcorn and some snacks next time!! I expect that next movie is also funny
    By the way, you're not alone! You have many friends! I'm also your friend! Hahaha
