Wednesday 16 July 2014

Canada Day

I talk about Canada Day on July 1.
On that day, it was very very hot day:(

Kinari, Nanami, Hikari and I were went Metro town because we wanted to buy T-shirt. After that, we went to Lafarge Lake Skateboard Park to join a volunteer. Then, we helped face paint, play soccer and play golf, but I didn't only face paint. I don't like draw a picture because I have not a sense to draw a picture. There were a lot of children, and many children played. We ate shaved ice. It was very good! I choose taste is Lemon-lime and strawberry. I watched fireworks at night. It was very wonderful!!
I spend good time. I like Canada Day:)

Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. HI Mana! It was very hot day isn't it. I got tan, so my skin were very dark. I think we did good job! I didn't do face paint too. I'm not good at draw pictures.... I'm glad we had good time. It was really good experience for us. Thank you. :)
